+977 9810271256 info@allroundtripnepaltreks.com

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I get the refund?

Yes, you can receive a refund. However, you must report your cancellation at least 7 days prior to the trek. This allows us to make the necessary adjustments and offer your spot to another adventurer. Please contact our customer service team to initiate the refund process.

Can I change the travel date?

Yes, you can change the travel date. However, please ensure that you make the request at least 7 days before the scheduled trek. To change your travel date, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible.

Can I make changes for my accommodation ?

Yes, you can make changes to your accommodation. If you choose to upgrade or downgrade your accommodation, it will affect the pricing of the package accordingly. Please contact our customer service team to discuss your preferences and any associated cost adjustments.

Do I need to hire a potter?

It depends on you. If you can handle your luggage weight, then there is no need to hire a porter. However, if you prefer an easier trek without the burden of carrying your gear, we suggest hiring a porter. We offer the option to add a porter to your package for your convenience.

Do I need any Insurance?

Yes, insurance is required for any rescue operations or medical emergencies that may arise due to high altitude or breathing problems. Having insurance ensures that you are covered in case of unforeseen circumstances and can receive the necessary assistance promptly. Please make sure to arrange appropriate travel insurance before embarking on your trek.
